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Automated production line installation conditions introduced
Classification:Industry informationTime:2018-01-06

The main advantage of automated water production is to make the production process better consistent with the continuity, parallelism, proportionality and balance requirements. Its high productivity, timely delivery of products in large quantities on the market.

       Because it is specialized production, the use of specialized equipment and process equipment in the assembly line, and mechanized transport equipment, it can improve labor productivity, shorten the production cycle, reduce the amount of work in the product and transport workload, speed up cash flow and reduce production costs; It can also simplify the production management and promote enterprises to strengthen production technology preparation and production services.

       The main disadvantage of running water production is that it is not flexible enough to adapt to the market demand for changes in product output and variety as well as the requirements of technological innovation and technological progress. Adjusting and restructuring the pipeline requires more investment and more time. Workers in the pipeline work more monotonous, nervous, easy to fatigue, is not conducive to raising the level of production technology.

Due to the above reasons, the organization must meet the following requirements for water production:
      1, the product structure and technology is relatively stable, but also a large number of long-term needs of the product.
      2, the process can be divided into simple processes, but also according to the requirements of the process of synchronization of some of the processes properly merged and decomposed, the process of a single piece of time should not be a big difference.
      3, product yield is large enough, the unit of labor of the product is also larger, in order to ensure that the assembly line has enough work load.
      4, raw materials, collaborative pieces must be standard, standardized, and on time supply.
      5, there must be installed pipeline conditions.

     Have the above conditions, and through technical and economic feasibility studies or feasibility studies to make decisions. After deciding to adopt the streamlined production mode, the specific organization of the pipeline can be designed.



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