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The factors that cause the wear of the pipeline equipment
Classification:Industry informationTime:2017-10-23

In the process of long-term operation of the pipeline equipment, the occasional damage or stop the operation of the situation, pipeline equipment, conveyor repair is due to damage caused by the equipment does not work properly and repair work.

       Pipeline equipment repair is different from the equipment maintenance, pipeline repair is the main purpose of repair and replacement has been worn or corroded parts, so that equipment to restore its technical performance and performance, to ensure its normal function. Repairs based on natural tangible wear are called normal repairs; repair for sudden damage is called abnormal repair. Repair is to restore the function of pipeline equipment, effective measures, is the local compensation for tangible wear, but also an important part of pipeline equipment management.

       Conveyor machinery in the course of the use of its parts will gradually produce wear, deformation, fracture, erosion and other phenomena, known as tangible wear. Due to the use of parts and materials of different materials, in a certain period of time to produce varying degrees of tangible wear and tear, so that the mechanical state of the gradual deterioration of the pipeline, can not work properly, resulting in downtime, or even failure, resulting in mechanical accidents.




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