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Pipeline equipment is playing an increasingly important role
Classification:View of Bao DeruiTime:2017-08-19

Specifically, to make the packaging machinery has a good automation and flexibility, and enhance the degree of automation, you need to adopt microcomputer technology, functional module technology, while monitoring the work of multiple robots, so that changes in product requirements only need to mobilize the program The
Packaging industry in the process of industrialization, manufacturing technology to complete the scale of diversification, diversification and even personalized needs to further intensify the market competition, in order to reduce production costs, packaging enterprises have to consider the construction of flexible production line equipment to complete the enterprise flexible manufacturing And ultimately the efficient servo control system to provide support. In the development of packaging production lines, control and integrated products / technologies play an increasingly important role.
       In order to complete the flexible production, requiring packaging production lines in the process of equipment between the equipment are closely coupled with each other, requiring packaging production lines and other production lines linked to each other. Because the controller is not the same control of different parts of the process or production lines, which brought a different controller between the coordination of the problem. Therefore, the Rongyu packaging machinery on the packaging of the structured, standardized machine state management functions, accordingly, the integration of this function of the control system to ensure that users with less time with the cost to complete the whole line, and even the whole plant production collaboration. With the continuous development and progress of science and technology, the future microelectronics, computers, industrial robots, image sensing technology and new materials in the packaging machinery will be more and more widely used, the enterprises must learn and introduce new technologies, High production efficiency, high degree of automation, good reliability, flexibility, high-tech packaging equipment to enter. To create a new type of packaging machinery, leading packaging machinery to the integrated, efficient, intelligent and other direction.
       In recent years, the domestic food packaging technology experts in the introduction of cooperation, independent origin has made gratifying achievements. Multi-function is an important trend in the development of new equipment, because the variety of food patterns, faster updates, manufacturers of equipment requirements are multi-functional, adaptable.



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