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How should non - standard automation equipment be debugged
Classification:Industry informationTime:2017-08-03
(1) to understand the product characteristics (including appearance, size, tolerance, structure, technology, etc.).

(2)  the parts (including standard parts and non-standard workpiece) wipe,  the core part of the parts to pick out from the core components of the  assembly began debugging. The assembly process should be checked to measure the accuracy of the  components installed to ensure that the horizontal, vertical,  concentricity problems.

(3) for a single cylinder sliding or lifting part, should ensure that  pull in place, push also in place, and can not have abnormal resistance.

(4) the rotation part, should ensure that the rotation of the balance, vertical, concentricity. To achieve the swing arm, the degree of precision division.

(5)  pin, card slot with pin holes and card slot should be wiped clean,  select the appropriate pin (pin material hardness above 58 degrees),  positioning, pin to the best side of the best, easy to disassemble and  assembly ;  Card slot accuracy should be controlled within 0.02 to ensure that the  accuracy of the secondary assembly, not too large, too tight. If too large is no precision, too tight can not be assembled.

(6)  feeding part of the material according to the product may be, with a  tolerance of 0.1 or so to ensure that products pass in the material  through the unimpeded. Material  parts feeding direction and interface to be inclined to 0.2 * 30  degrees as the standard, depending on the specific product. The inside of the material needs to be polished to prevent the product from scratching and scratches.

(7)  screw, slide in the assembly should pay special attention to the nut  and slide, can not slide out of the screw and slide, to avoid falling  balls to lead to product scrapping or impact accuracy. In the assembly to ensure that the parts of the parallelism, verticality and concentricity after the assembly. To prevent unqualified parts in the assembly of the screw and slide fixed deformation caused by scrapped.

(8)  the speed of the valve, the valve speed should not affect the  production efficiency of the premise of the product just take the speed  of the best condition. Excessive valve speed will vibrate or shake the product; too slow will reduce production efficiency. (Note that we usually use the exhaust throttle)


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