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Maintenance of non - standard automation equipment
Classification:View of Bao DeruiTime:2017-07-24

Maintenance of non-standard automation equipment helps to extend the service life of non-standard equipment, and allows the equipment to use more accurate. Here we come to understand the non-standard automation equipment on the maintenance requirements

First, the machine in the installation, removal and adjustment of the rotary mechanism, we must pay attention to ensure that non-standard automation equipment in the first line with the center line and gear center line parallel to the appropriate angle of the right to effectively ensure that the machine in operation.

Second, our equipment should always check the maintenance and connection of the parts, if loose should be tightened. Body connection bolts should be checked when the body pressure tightness of all connections must have a small axis pin, and need to open fully. The main components slowly steady.

Third, often replace the wear parts, if there is a problem we need to troubleshoot and then continue to run, the motor bearing lubrication to be good. Always check all wires and cables for damage. To be timely bandaged and replaced with the damaged part. Effectively extend the machine maintenance.



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