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Logistics Management Benefits and Improvement
Classification:View of Bao DeruiTime:2016-10-19

   First, the main flow of logistics management
1. Material procurement
    (1) mainly includes the user plan, plan approval, flat library, procurement and other processes.
   (2) the procurement process is divided into the framework agreement procurement, sentinel procurement, sporadic procurement, through tender, inquiry, competitive negotiation, etc., and suppliers to determine the purchase price and other related matters.
   (3) supply and demand sides signed a material procurement contract.
   (4) the implementation of procurement results, business staff to create purchase orders.
   (5) According to the actual arrival of acceptance of warehousing, such as failure to implement the return process; the formation of inventory, storage management into the link.
2. Warehousing management
Mainly include inventory storage, inventory, inventory quality analysis, security management.
3. Material distribution
Including self-mention, commissioned by the consignor, the supplier shipped, transport, handling and so on.

   Second, logistics cost-benefit analysis
1. Logistics cost accounting scope
In order to give full play to the scale of procurement and supply advantages, the company implemented a specialized material management, material supply management department responsible for the procurement of materials, storage, send and other business, fully fulfill the "horse did not move, forage first" logistics , At the same time through the standardization of operations for the production of a substantial reduction in logistics management costs.
2. Logistics management cost control
   (1) material procurement links. Around the company to establish the front area of the material supply responsibility center, were responsible for the area of material procurement and supply work. At the same time by the material supply headquarters is responsible for system development, process supervision, communication and coordination with the company, so as to implement the center and sub-centers of double management, the total combination of ways to facilitate cross-regional deployment of materials, and the company's overall price negotiations material, Is conducive to flexible, efficient service and efficient, low-cost operation. First, the establishment of framework agreements under the strategic cooperation of suppliers, give full play to the advantages of scale procurement. As the material supply and demand sides understand each other, the minimum transaction price is easy to reach, the company has relatively satisfied with the price decline. At the same time after the signing of the framework agreement to purchase the agreement, that is, the agreed unit price and the purchase quantity is uncertain, the agreement valid for one year. Agreement when the market price changes more than 10%, the two sides to negotiate a fixed price. Fully explore the source suppliers, reduce the middle part of commercial circulation, thereby significantly reducing procurement costs, and to ensure the stability of the price. At the same time, strategic suppliers to ensure product quality, delivery within the specified time, effectively avoiding the arrival of goods to the production project is not timely to bring stagnation costs. Second, the procurement price negotiation process, and strive to be related to freight, handling costs, insurance costs, etc. are considered in the purchase price, to avoid the arrival of additional procurement costs of goods occurred. At the same time in the signing of the contract to play the initiative of the purchaser of the scale, the quality of goods, loss, damage, not timely arrival risk clearly defined, the maximum risk aversion to avoid losses. Third, make full use of tax policy, reduce material procurement costs. Centralized procurement of materials by the material supply department, regulate the conditions of the supplier network, requiring the other party must be the general taxpayer, and can provide 17% VAT invoices to offset VAT input tax for the company greatly reduce procurement costs. In addition, the full use of import duty-free policy, the timely supply of foreign projects to obtain export tax rebate funds, and actively receive access to national import discount. At the same time, the State Administration of Taxation and the Ministry of Finance jointly issued on the oil and gas enterprises for their own use of refined oil consumption tax before the return of the relevant policies, centralized procurement to ensure maximum use of internal oil and gas resources to obtain the consumption tax return funds alone can gasoline, diesel The purchase price reduced by about 15%. Scale procurement of tax credit, return, refund, free capital savings accounted for about 25% of the total cost of material procurement over. Fourth, make full use of ERP database, easy to compare real-time purchase price. Monthly by the use of database information, the price of new procurement materials and system historical data comparison, the price difference over a certain range, one by one retrospective, find out the reasons, if necessary, re-tender negotiations to determine the final price.
At the same time, the historical price of the purchase price and unit price data as a base, to facilitate the follow-up to determine the price of goods, and access to a certain percentage of discounts, and continuously reduce material procurement costs. Fifth, to play the advantages of scale procurement, significantly reduce the cost of capital occupied. The company has established a good reputation over the years, so the basic procurement of funds used to pay the way after the first shipment for the company to enhance the efficiency of funds to provide a guarantee. For the production of oil and other urgent need for materials, suppliers tend to require advance payment of funds, money available in place after the oil. As a result of the establishment of many years of cooperative relations, while the maximum use of the oil supply of internal gas stations, about 95% of the refined oil purchases are closed through the collective company affiliated transactions settlement, do not advance the company to advance, thereby greatly reducing the funds Cost of occupancy.
   (2) material storage links. First, attention to the Treasury hardware to ensure the safety of storage materials. Through a unified standard, may damage the inventory of the Treasury to maintain the status of the Treasury. Second, the establishment of a unified, standardized inventory custody system, strengthen the custodian inventory inventory work, effectively avoid loss of inventory, stolen, damage caused by the loss. Third, make full use of material management information system, the person responsible for data analysis, real-time attention to the existence of various materials. The production team to submit the material requirements of the plan, to review, Ping library, to ensure that there is no stock library to be behind the procurement, thus avoiding the duplication of procurement, effectively reducing inventory costs, significantly reducing the capital occupation. Fourth, the long-term cooperation with suppliers, for some production and the urgent need for continued use of materials, such as covered lines, and suppliers signed on behalf of the consignment sales agreement. That is to say, the material is stored by the supplier, and after the project is requisitioned, it is settled with the supplier on a regular basis. This avoids the shortage risk, improves the material deployment efficiency, greatly reduces the capital occupation and reduces the inventory cost. An important role.
   (3) material transfer link. First, the material transfer is the material from the warehouse warehouse delivery line of production projects in the process. Material vehicles from the regular bulk delivery of materials to the production team to ensure timely materials in place. Second, the production project vehicles with their own materials, to further reduce transportation costs. Third, when the purchase contract is signed, the price of some materials includes the transportation fee and the loading and unloading fee which are transported to the project line, thus reducing the secondary distribution cost. Fourth, the material requirements between different exploration plans, first in the company-wide database of materials in the database, such as other areas have stock and apply, then by mail, vehicle transport, etc. to shift library, to avoid duplication of procurement, But also further revitalize the inventory assets, to avoid the formation of stagnant materials.
3. Risk management in logistics management
Logistics management of all aspects of the full consideration of the risks, and through various means to effectively avoid or shift the risk of loss.
   (1) dangerous goods such as explosives and oil transport by the professional, dangerous goods transport qualified transport companies to send vehicles, if necessary, security companies to send security guards escorted transport escorts to avoid security risks.
   (2) in the signing of procurement negotiations and contracts, give full consideration to the possible risks. In the relevant provisions of the contract provisions of the division of responsibilities, the relevant provisions include: quality assurance provisions, performance bond, loss of goods liability, the arrival of late compensation and other terms are described clearly from the legal point of view to avoid unclear responsibility arising from economic disputes.

  Third, the use of modern financial management tools to improve logistics management, enhance management efficiency
   In the traditional mode of logistics management, material management benefits can not fully reflect the different levels of dynamic inventory management is not enough, the information system is not fully developed and applied, the level of inventory management needs to be improved and other issues, the logistics cost is relatively high. Inventory management is a very important content in the whole process of logistics. The level of inventory management directly affects the production and operation of enterprises, and ultimately affect the profits and risks of enterprises. Therefore, inventory management is not only the production of financial management is also an important content. Through the modern financial management tools, digital logistics management tools, and scientific logistics management theory, can further enhance the level of inventory management and management efficiency.
1. Inventory management objectives
Inventory management objectives, is to try to make a trade-off between various inventory costs and inventory benefits, in the full play on the basis of inventory functions, reduce inventory costs, to achieve the best combination of the two.
2. Inventory management needs to be improved
   (1) has not yet achieved full cost accounting. Warehousing costs are due to storage or holding of goods for a period of time and are approximately proportional to the average inventory level. From the perspective of financial management, inventory holding costs should include the acquisition of inventory costs, storage costs, out of stock costs. In the actual logistics management, not to consider the full cost of storage, while the cost of out of stock can not be directly reflected.
   (2) dynamic management of inventory to be further strengthened. The quality and liquidity of inventory assets is an important symbol of modern logistics management. If the inventory is poor liquidity, the formation of long-term inventory backlog no dynamic, such as more than the shelf life of the stock, technology out, the market prices continued to fall and other factors, will result in inventory impairment losses. At present, through the issuance of no dynamic control indicators, manual monitoring of inventory status, procurement before the first library, etc., on inventory liquidity and inventory quality management has played a significant role in effectively inhibiting the formation of new material precipitation. At the same time through the cross-exploration area of material transfer, gradually revitalize some of the available backlog of inventory, reducing the capital occupation.
   (3) the actual management model, the business sector inventory management and accounting department there is a certain gap between the phenomenon of inventory data module of the financial department can not be achieved in time, the lack of query permissions, can not intuitive information exchange and sharing.
3. Inventory management improvement
   (1) make full use of financial management tools, and further increase the material module and the financial module to contact, to make more effective analysis and decision-making. Simple material management should be combined with financial management, modern financial management tools should be fully applied to inventory management, and strive to achieve full cost accounting, assessment of the best inventory reserves to avoid shortage of inventory stock shortage caused by excessive cost and stock Of the non-dynamic material precipitation. From the point of view of financial management, inventory cost = inventory acquisition cost + storage cost + stockout cost, where acquisition cost = purchase cost + acquisition cost. Cost of out-of-stock refers to loss due to interruption of inventory supply. In the event of an emergency procurement of alternative materials to meet material outages due to a shortage, the out-of-stock cost is expressed as an emergency additional purchase cost. The ordering cost is positively related to the order batch, and the storage cost is positively related to the order quantity. While the out-of-stock costs are inversely related to the stock of goods. Only the acquisition cost, storage cost, the total cost of goods out of the lowest, is the best inventory management status, that is, need to determine the optimal economic order quantity. For the occasional use of materials do not need to do too much material reserves, demand units and supply units to communicate well in advance to submit plans to ensure timely arrival of goods. On the consumption of materials need to focus on economic order batch analysis. Material out of stock costs can be broadly understood as the project due to material not in place caused by loss of working time costs. Procurement costs in addition to direct materials, transportation costs, but also should consider the organization staff, preparation in advance, the tender documents, the signing of the text and other work and pay the time cost factor. Storage costs In addition to storage costs associated with the occurrence of the process, should also give full consideration to the stock of goods caused by excess inventory backlog, damage costs. Only after the above costs are fully considered, combined with the construction requirements of the project to be able to make more adequate and accurate procurement scale and reserve plan. Therefore, based on the theoretical model, the economic batch analysis based on the formula can not be realized and is not feasible. In addition to the use of financial management calculation formula, but also need to rely on business experience, historical data reference. We can learn from the management philosophy is based on the principle of cost minimization caused by the thinking of the inventory management model.
   (2) to further increase the ERP information system development and utilization of material modules, leveraging real-time analysis and monitoring. At present, in the material management, the man-made operation, inspection, monitoring intensity is greater than the system automation data query function application. Business personnel in the procurement plan approved before the need to be in the system one by one flat library to confirm that no dynamic inventory without the same available material before allowing the purchase. Artificial manual operation is more cumbersome, and easy to produce omissions, dynamic management of the efficiency of materials to be improved. In addition, the purchase price changes are often in the business is completed, by the hand for historical data comparison, monitoring gateway lag. Therefore, measures should be taken to improve it. First, make full use of ERP information system, the development process to achieve automatic control system, in the development of procurement plans, some of the inventory of materials and poor liquidity were pop-up prompt or warning window, to be confirmed after confirmation of the next step, Thus simplifying the plain library process, and can be real-time material inventory control, effectively improve the efficiency of material management. Second, the system should be set to a unified coding material, when the purchase price changes or abnormal increase or fall more than a certain percentage, the system automatically early warning, so that business people in time to find the cause and found problems. In order to reduce the cost of procurement of materials play a proactive management role. Third, to further improve the dynamic management of materials statements, the inventory is divided into storage period of less than 3 months, 3-6 months, 6 months - 1 year, more than 1 year and several other intervals, the shelf life of more than 3 months Of the material to focus on monitoring. In particular, the focus of monitoring will fall on goods that have been kept for more than 10 months, rather than those already held for a long period of time. Because if not timely attention, this part will soon be converted into more than one year without dynamic, affecting the efficiency of inventory assets. At the same time, for the long-term survival of the item-by-item analysis, the report should be intuitive to reflect the name of business managers, material preservation status, in order to pursue accountability and rectification implementation. Fourth, the construction of digital warehouse, bar code technology, in order to further optimize inventory size and quality, improve material management efficiency plays a key role in enterprise information development is bound to improve management efficiency plays an important role.

  Fourth, the conclusion
  Logistics management professional development can give full play to the advantages of scale operation, in all aspects of the company to reduce logistics costs, improve service quality and efficiency, to achieve cost reduction efficiency goals. At the same time, to the modern logistics management model in the process, the company still has a long way to go. Therefore, we should continue to think about the management operation mode, increase the pace of information construction, while modern management concepts applied to enterprise management, to promote the company's scientific, healthy and efficient development.



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